Thursday, 18 December 2014

Why Nobel prize is not given for mathematics-An Atheist/Theist explanation

   ( What you are going to read is rubbish , tread softly for you are treading on my rubbish:) )
Is there an unknown force controlling everything? I have asked this question before and i don't have a solid answer for you. Its because i am a theist when i feel everything is running smooth. I hail God for his kindness and for all his grace. At the mean time I am an atheist, I question his existence when i see innocent kids are being murdered. And when things go wrong i look up and ask "where are you?". I am a disgrace to the theist society and atheist and agnostic don't even consider my existence. But this is not about me. This is about the atheists and theists, The pure breed, and this is about science and a little bit of maths and a little bit of Nobel price
   In the earlier centuries infidels used the evolution theory and science as a strong tool to prove their idea of in existence of god. Even if science was a wonderful medium and magnetic in nature it couldn't attract much common people because of its sophistication. But sure it was able to attract some notable scientists to atheism. Incidentally one of it was Alfred nobel . Now what is it that Mr.Nobel , an atheist, has against Mathematics. To know that we need to know the greatest difficulty an atheist faces when he is trying to prove the inexistence of something, In this case God.
    If an atheist make a hypothesis that something doesn't exist then it is possible to prove it wrong by finding one instance where it exists ,a simple counter example will do, which of course is the mathematical logic behind the principle of inductive reasoning.But an infidel can't use the same principle to prove wrong a theist's hypothesis of the existence of god. That's because in order to do that an atheist need an exhaustive search in all the places where god might be found to prove that actually he isn't there,but which of course is highly impractical.
Now i hope you know why Alfred Nobel, a strong atheist had a thing against mathematics :)

Monday, 15 December 2014

The illusion of the hedge

Is there something wrong with our eyesight? Some people are myopic, some hypermetropic  and some even blind . But I am not talking about that. I am talking about the illusion of the hedge- Why we see the hedge on the other side of the field to be green always? May be there is nothing wrong with our eyesight ,but surely there is something pretty much wrong with our perception.
   We are so messed up, and who is responsible for that. We can blame our parents but there is an expiry date for that When you reach 25 you can't blame anyone else than yourself for the current state of your life. We are ,where we are only because of our decisions and our decisions were always biased based on how the world will look at us if we do something or if we choose something. Now that is not a mistake to do, but if we are doing things to make others envy us then we also need to look at our self through others eyes,may be some one less fortunate than us, because then only we can see that the hedge on our side of the field is greener.
All the hedges are green but it  really depends upon our perception

Friday, 5 December 2014

Take risks

     We are living in a very complicated era, and do you know what will be the worst thing to do in this age? Its to live safe, to run away from adventures, to skip taking risks in our life. When people around us are living to take risks and we want to play safe, then here playing safe is the greatest risk we are taking. When we observe a densely thick forest from far far away, we will be of the idea that it will be impossible for us to travel through it and to reach the other end, we will be terrified about the idea of encountering a ferocious tiger, starving for human blood or a wild elephants looking for a head to play football, but as we move forward and forward then it will get clear that there was no forest and there were no fancy tigers or elephants either,it  was just a vineyard and those creatures were just an animation of your fear. So leave the fear explore the unknown, ,Take risks and reach your destiny.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Theory of happiness

   If there is something where i need to apply Einstein's theory of relativity then it will be on happiness. There is no absolute happiness there is only relative happiness.If i am runner, which i am, i can run 10 km  without taking a break and i am happy for my achievement .But the moment i see another runner running it with much ease than me then at that moment my happiness just vanishes.The same time yesterday i was happy and content with my achievement,I was patting on my shoulders smiling bragging about it to my friends .But it all just disappeared today when i saw the other guy. Now when he was running the extra one mile , i too get up and start running ,just for what, to feed my inner ego the thought that i am better than him and in that process i am not only achieving sorrow but also end up going home with a sprained ankle.
.The greatest mind trick the happiness has ever pulled was to make us believe that the key to happiness is hidden some where in the maze, thus putting us in a treasure hunt to find that final key.But we never for a second realized that all the while we were running looking for it ,it was concealed just under our sleeves
"Happiness is not always looking up to the top, at the zenith of the mountain sometimes happiness lies just below your feet, and if you always look up, then you will never see it"

Monday, 1 December 2014

Tomorrow is a new day and a new goal..

My legs were shivering, breaths were becoming short,the sweat that has fallen into my eyes were starting to blind the track, I know this is the last lap, But there were no crowd to cheer me to the finishing line, there were no opponents too. I asked my self , why am i running ? I could just stop here, nobody is there to chide me if i give up, after all its me who decided to run ten laps today, just take a break and tomorrow run an extra lap, well that would suffice. But will it? You cant just return  tomorrow and complete the set ,because it is a new day and there will always be a new goal.
   Life is about making goals and to draw the joy from fulfilling it. If i have set a goal of ten laps and i gave up at the ninth lap then what is the point of all those hard work i have made in running those nine laps,Even if my heart stops while i try to run the last the final lap, i wouldn't regret running it ,because that would be the death of a brave heart who tried to achieve his goal..and while achieving died..

On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the Dawn of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting—died!-George W cecil

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...