Saturday, 28 March 2015

Solitary writer

If you dont know me,
search for me in this wilderness,
 I am that solitude you will find here,
If you cant then hark that breeze
whispering to your ears
a song or is that a cry
that dissolved into the air
and disappeared years before
may be waiting for you, only for you
but wont listen it unless you
 listen carefully and closely
 because all these while it was here
concealed deep inside waiting
for you to look ,to embrace it and
If you find it here then
hold it close to you
For i am that solitude you will find here

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


 Its baffling that i find myself here. Not even in the wildest of my dreams i thought i would be in such a place. Hands and legs tied and i could barely see whats happening around me, and when i feel thirsty i had to lick the water from the small crack on the ground ,that has been collected when the water flowed in front of me , i didnt ask from where the water came from, nor  did i care where it was going. All i know is I have to survive this. I dont know whats there on the other side ,probably more tests and experiments, but i know with all my heart i dont quit till i am free, i dont give up till all my shackles are broken and i could spread my wings and fly..

Saturday, 21 March 2015

A walk to the future

when today changes to tomorrow you hope everything changes and it add a meaning to your existence. A little more love in your life , a little more purpose in your actions, a little more reasons in your tears
  Will it make any difference if i paint a little more black to the night, . I am been suffocated by this meaninglessness around me. how much harder i am going to try will there ever be a difference?. will it make any difference if i add a little more sand grains to the beach? May be if i keep hold of a handful everyday and drop at the same point , probably i could make a mole hill and with time if the wind decides to help me , one day, i dont know for sure, but some day who knows , i will be surprised to see a mountain there.But the key is to take one step at a time, nothing more nothing less. looking at each individual steps,probably they look very meaningless, but together it is something wonderful, its a walk,, A walk to the future

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Wings of butterfly

I being the wings of a butterfly
small fragile but still steady to take off
Am afraid of the wind that flutters me
But not the fate that darts me forward..

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


I shall tell a story
a story of a turtle and a rabbit
who decided to run a race
but is this the story you heard before
I reckon not,For at the end
 the rabbit wins this race
So if you ask what is the moral
then i shall say the moral is
Not all stories have a moral
But isn't that a paradox as simple as life.

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...