Monday, 29 June 2015

In the forest

Belief a night candle ,wearing down
and its hot tears rolling down
Soon the darkness will have its share
And i will be lost in this deep forest
but wait, who is that i see
isn't it determination ,the firefly
with its twinkling lights and tiny wings
Oh When times are hard
All you need is a little light
No matter where it comes from
'as long as it remains within you

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

a book around the corner

I been like this book
since , I dont know
but lonely and alone
somewhere in this corner i dwell

And suddenly one day -

"I dont know when.
For i lost the track of the time
But how can you blame a lonely book
For its ignorance about the time?

-You came and picked me ,among the others
Now i know its true what they say
"You have to wait for good things
And for best, you have to wait a lot"

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

There is no day like today

The night  a little early for my day
And there is no day like today
For i never saw the sun
As he was hiding some where inside the clouds
Oh it rained through out the day
And he was hiding to cover his tears
but it did show up all the day
Why he is so sad today?
May be he is sad all the time
born everyday, hoping to see the night
but slowly fading away when he is so near-
the night is so close still so far away
 and how can he be not sorry?
For its hard to live all this day knowing
His non existence is her life
 I envy her, For how can some one be loved so deep
without being seen even  once

Sunday, 7 June 2015

The secret door in my home

In my house i know there is a secret door, I dont know how this idea got into my head, but i just happened to feel so. There is a secret passage to happiness. It became an obsession in me to find that door. Day and night i looked for it , I was so agitated , I lost my sleep, I felt that my heart is so heavy with discomfort at my own house and that feeling was killing me, I wished i had the will to run away from here , may be to a distant unknown place but far from here, but i never had that courage in me. There was an endless rope tying me to this house. So i stayed. One day after those pressure mounted day at work i returned with a gloomy face, I entered my home then sat on the couch with head resting on the pillow , eyes closed. And suddenly something happened inside me. I didnt feel the pressure anymore, i felt that nothing really matters when i am inside here. May be the secret door I was looking was never a secret, it is this front door ,the only door to happiness and all the while i was so ignorant to understand it. Now i know that the endless rope that is tying me to here is Love and happiness

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

the tides inside me

The heavy tides lashing on either sides then breaking into thousands of pieces ,and with the wind they became a rain and drenched me. It s all water around me and there is no land in the near sight , all i can see is this infinitely long bridge made out of this irregularly cut rocks. Where i am now, it doesnt make any sense to go backwards, for i have covered a lot of grounds . I dont know there is any point in going further forward but moving forward isn't a choice for me, but its the only option that the fate has given me. . i dont have to feel awkward if i cry out loud , for there is nobody to see me. I can sit here as long as i wish and cry out as loudly as i can, but my tears will be veiled by this water falling on me and my cry would be dissolved in the roar of the sea around me.There is no point in doing any of that because i dont think my tears will make this sea water any more saltier.. so i am going to walk forward to see what is there in the far far future for me

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...