Monday, 27 July 2015

The warrior with in

They waited for the prey
tip toeing in that darkness
eyes burning like the wild fire
but he was unaware of their existence
Dancing all the while around ,
and playing him into their trap
And waiting and waiting for that -
the perfect moment to jump
He may die today, or in the day to come
as we all shall meet our demon one day
and our judgement will be served one by one
but he shall not go down with a meow
but roar and roar trembling the air
His tears will burn their hands 
And his blood will protect the people
For he is the savior,and he is the punisher 
And that's the warrior with in

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

27th day

My sleep was cut short by a sound
then that intense light shoved into my eyes
And when i woke up
i found myself in noman's land
sitting alone ,on a road side bench
The length of that road surely challenged my eyesight
but i saw ,the road did end in the horizon

 i wondered about the sound and light
That woke me from that deep sleep
the hope told me its the bus that plied in this road
now i am awake like never before
and i waited and waited for 27 long days
looking away into that infinite distance
but i was left alone in that desert

how can i give up my life here
looking for a bus that i have never seen before
So on that 27 th day i stood up from that bench
stretched my legs and started walking
in search of the horizon
where all the roads do end.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

We are just strangers

"We are but two rain drops
that will surely meet one day
in the vastness of a sea
but today we are just strangers..."

The concept of love has always confused me. Today I am unaware of her existence, what she does?what she likes? I dont know. If we walk past each other then we wont say a hello, we wont even share a glance. How can you be so rude to someone for whom you will be ready to give up your life.
  Do you think she would ever dreamt for a second that i will be gazing at her when she is asleep watching her hairs dancing with the wind and her bosom moving up and down rhythmically with her breaths. How can i know that she would wake up if i draw with my fingers under her feet.
 When she is late ,today i dont worry for her . My eyes are not resting at the gate waiting for her to open it and come through nor i will care to call her. But how can you be so insensitive to someone whom you will love more than your life one day.

"For today we are just strangers

Thursday, 16 July 2015

look through my eyes

I seem to have grown old ,world
And my visions have been cut short
If you weren't so kind today
who would have lend me their goggles?
Let me look through your own eyes.
Oh no! your glasses have been blurred 
By oily and dusty smudge, that been
accumulated from time to time.
If this is what you see everyday
i pity you world, take my eyes
And look at you through my own eyes
if you could see the difference, then know
You could be gifted with an eyesight'
But still be blind

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

A glass window

I am standing in front of a glass window
,its the only thing that seperates me
 from the beautiful scenery out there, 
even if i couldnt go out nor touch the world 
I can watch it all from here. 
but its funny what we choose to see sometimes.
 It may be a view that i have never seen before 
still i chose to see my blurred reflection in that glass window

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...