Thursday, 27 August 2015

Sea of Mysteries

I gazed into my heart for a while
In that sea of mysteries ,I was searching
For something that i dropped years before
On that tidal outer layer it was just my own reflection
And if i have the courage to look through
beyond myself into that tides,
then i shall see what i need to see
The flesh and bones of those who  drowned
Here in my heart, some times with love
And some times in wrath of that cold tempest
that laid fury on the sailors who traveled and lost
And if i dare to look beyond that
Then i will find the glittering gold and diamonds
They left for me to look after, but i forgot...

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

"Dreams, Dreams"

I crawled and i was a toddler
My dream was just to sit and to smile
So did I, then one day i sat.
But it wasn't enough
For i dreamt to stand and giggle
And that's what I did,
But was that enough for me?
So i dreamed to walk and then to run
And finally when i had all my dreams fulfilled
My greedy heart wished to fly
But i am afraid to fly, Not because of height
The moment i fulfill the wish, I have to accept
Accept the fact that i have ran out of Imaginations to Dream

Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Girl and the old man

I am not a story teller but just a drunkard
And if this seems to be a story to you
then you are as high as me in this mountain.
years before when i thought i was the greatest drunk
i saw that old bastard singing and whining
he paid his drink with real money
cursed the world for all its curse
And when he was half asleep
some one carried him to his house
And in the morning the news was all over the place
i heard it from the bar, sipping my vodka
at seven in the morning, And who will drink a vodka in the dawn?
The old fool got a beautiful daughter
And the suitors flew from distant places
only to take a glance at her
but she always stayed inside
They tried to talk with her dad
but the old sucker was always drunk
so one day this guy from nowhere walked towards the door
stroked it loud and clear till he saw her
walking towards, but with a baby in her hands
He didnt take another look but ran
to the village where his friends did wait
He told the story to the world
The old drunkard violated his own daughter
The friends went mad,sooner they became a mob
with fiery torches in their hand
and marched and marched towards the bar
where i sat and drank my vodka as high as a mountain
They pulled him down grabbing his hairs
dragged him through the mud, stripped him naked
Then tying him on a wooden post,crucified
And from the dark she ran with the baby in her hands
Crying for mercy,but some one did what he had to do
he took a knife and slipped it into the old man's chest
The girl cried out loud "leave my husband"
And that thundered and echoed in the corners
Dumbstruck the mob for a second
And i dont know from where that young guy came
who shouted, "Kill the witch"
But for what? If not for wooing the old man
Just for his money,as he told the world
the story of her betrayal with that good old man
lying dead in their midst
but where is the truth? but who cares the truth
they tied her round on a wooden post
gave her the final bath with the kerosine
And purified her in the fire for her sins
As she glazed into a fire ball
nobody noticed that small baby slipping past the crowd
and disappearing into the darkness
As if nothing has happened here

Monday, 10 August 2015


I wont tell you what i wrote in that letter,
 For i dont remember it now,
but i know then it was the most beautiful letter
but for whom did i wrote those words
i know no one will open it
my words were orphaned even before it was born
a baby from a scorned womb
how can it survive without its mother
Alone and despised by all
who will take it as their own
but if its not you,no one can be its real mother
Note: The song in the video says this- The Hurdy-Gurdy Man.  Over there beyond the village stands an organ-grinder, And with numb fingers He plays as best he can.
Barefoot on the ice, He totters here and there, And his little plate Is always empty. No one listens to him, No one notices him, And the dogs growl around the old man. And he just lets it happen, As it will, Plays, and his hurdy-gurdy Is never still. Strange old man, Shall I go with you ? Will you play your organ to my songs?

Sunday, 9 August 2015

A lesson

It was a disaster, an ambush. or was i caught in between a cross fire, to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I always thought i was different , i had a bigger purpose in life, i am not ordinary. But i reckon, that thought itself proves i am just ordinary because everybody in this world thinks that way now or then.I know exactly the mistakes I have done so far and how could I just rewind it and play again and again, its high time that I learned a lesson or two from it and just change the course of my life. or else i will flow with the current and reach the bank where the fate leaves me,only to complain and regret about those things that I could have done before to alter my life but i didn't do. 

What good it will brings you thinking about the past , That past of  tomorrow's me is my today, Get hold of it, Desire will negotiate your reasons to drop it and to clinch with momentary pleasures. but no matter what , you wont drop it. Because you need to remember that what you are dropping is your life and there is nothing more important to you than your life

At any time of the day you can opt to be bad student ,but never when life itself tries to teach you a lesson

Saturday, 8 August 2015


the torch of victory flaming far away
so far but not out of reach
there is lot to do ,not to fail
may fail but not to lose the track
but push,push till the legs stop
then crawl crawl till the heart stops
oh our dreams be not forgotten
the fire that burns in your heart
dont let the tears put it away
but let it be a dragon that smells fire
and fly you towards the podium
where the winners stand

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

The MusK Deer

I asked myself, Whats that fragrance
I looked around and around
till i ran circles in vain
For i  never could  find the source
Oh where it comes, oh where it goes

I didnt know what's that,
that smelled so pleasant
nor why the world looked at me
I thought they loathed me
For my madly gestures ,looking-
around for an imaginary flower or what?

So i asked the stranger with doubt
if he could help me to find the source
And i never will forget the surprise
that glowed in his face, and he replied
You could have saved a lot of time'
If one shall know what one should smell

note:Whats Important in life is to know our aptitude , what we are capable of other wise we will be the musk deer that went looking for its own fragrance .

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Selfish love

I will give my life for your's
trade our places in the death
And cheating the wise fellow
who turns the clock up there
uttered the lover in her ears
The world thought he was selfless
but she thought differently
He saw her eyes with spreading blood
and her nose trembling with anger
What wrong did i do? asked the lover
Oh you selfish coward, she cried
Then with whom shall i trade my place?

Note: Some times we are so afraid that some thing bad may happen to our love, and many a times we hope that the fate may take us before them, Is it due to love that we are ready to trade our place with them in the death. I guess not, Its pure selfishness. Its because we cant handle the sadness and depression due to the fact that they are gone. We  are actually trading that sorrow and depression with our loved one, not the death.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

The Train wreck

He feels lonely, alone,afraid,sad. The train of emotions had a head on collision with him. In that havoc he is left without any clue,like a little boy who got lost in a crowd looking around for a familiar face. just to raise him up and put him on her shoulders, waiting to get patted on his back and to hear that its ok to cry, its ok to be afraid,but now that she is here he don't have to.
But sooner or later he have to accept the fact that towards that train wreck nobody will walk to unless they are obliged to do so. And then what will you call the name of the help he received, pittance , sympathy. will you call that love? i guess not.

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...