Friday, 31 March 2017

The Caterpillar

i remember what my friend had said
  troubles are great teachers
  But arent they our best friends
  never leaving us through thick and thin

i reckon we are born as caterpillars
eating all those ills into our head
crawling through those pains now and then
and becoming gross and bulky day by day

And fed up of all mediocrity we fall asleep
shrinking into the cocoon of our space
caught in the limbo of our thoughts
and passing through the metamorphosis of our life

but suddenly oneday we are wide awake
spreading the wings we are ready to fly
fly as high as nothing could hold us back
cause we are beautiful than ever before

        today i do agree with  my friend
failures are painful as they always are
but in that ordeal of life
we are transformed into something more

it's no time to quit

The night so scary and lonely,
  And the silence carving the fear,
  But this no time to give up,
  For i have crossed the fence to quit.

  I have heard the whining wind,
  Singing the songs of failure,
  But this no time to fall,
  For i have failed enough

  The course is thorny and stony,
  And the tears have blinded my trail,
  But this no time to quit.
  for the destiny may be a step away.
  i will wake the  morning up ,
  just to see the bed of roses,
  But this no time to celebrate,
  For i have dreams nd dreams to fulfill"

Fire Fly

i fear not to follow your steps
for i have flown the farthest of lands
and swam the wildest of seas
only to reach at you
and here you are the flame of a candle
set afire to engulf me
but i fear not to jump into you
for we may die today
but tomorrow we will  be reborn as men and women

The lyrics wish for a life

I wish i could be the note of a voice,
Or the melody of a song.
But i being mere words am soul-less,
Waiting relentlessly for a euphony
, A music that could give me a life

The Trench

i woke up inside a deep dark trench
Or was it a well, but there i didnt find any water
for i felt only the cold stones pressing against my head
looking up everything seems to get clear
There is the blue sky,the white clouds
all i need was to climb up,so thts what i did
slowly steadily one step at a time
and when the sky was just a grasp away
i felt this agony for i know this last step
i am out of this well but am I free?
I reckon life isnt simple at all
All the time we are left in an illusion
that we are one step closer to our destiny
but when i climb this last final step
what surety do i hav for who knows
All the long i was sitting inside a well
Dug inside another deep wide trench.

A refugees tale

I always wondered how hard it would be for a refugee , every once in a while i had to read about people getting drowned in sea, when they decided to cross the borders, Ever since then i wanted to write about them, and today i imagine being one among them waiting for the imminent fate

I wasn't a kite,but i dreamt to fly high
breaking that thread that connects me
to the mother land, cutting away that umbilical chord
flying far away from all these miseries
towards a place where all dreams shall bloom
But my dream came with a cost
twenty eight silver coins for the stranger
who sailed the ship towards the destiny.
was that simple dream of mine-
to live a descent life, that heavy of costs?

But soon my wonder dissolved in the sight
Of two hundred men packed closely in a boat
that allowed me a place thats one halfth of my feet
all my life i never had expected-
A space for my feet shall cost me a fortune
I sold my home , my farmland only to buy what?
you may think i am a fool,but i am closer to my dream
For the world my dream worth smaller than a nine inch space
But its the only thing that i have for now

we sailed day and night standing under the sun and the moon
And only little did we eat or drink
Days turned into weeks and now i had enough space to sit
I wondered where the others embarked
And i know sooner it will be my turn to leave
So that day did arrive with tremendous vigour,
with light works and thunderous sound
For we were caught in a storm in that cold night of december
with more than hundred aboard, our boat decided to take a dip
and when i was gasping for air, closer to the gate keeper of death
I searcherd my empty pockets, just to bribe my way out of this misery

Thursday, 30 March 2017

My master

what magic has it in you,
that makes me wonder all about you,
And makes my mind so slender
As i can only keep thinking about you

I feel to break this spell and leave
but living without this magic
seems not life anymore
For once your mind has tasted -
that heavenly elixir of love
Then you are addicted . intoxicated
For now  I am the slave
And you are the master.................

My Butterfly

I should share this dream of mine, i was walking through a garden 
till i saw a butterfly so beautiful and gorgeous flying around me,
 sometimes it sat on my shoulders,
  some times it kept whispering in my ears to give her a company,
  i was glad for other wise mine would be a lonely journey, 
and we travelled together till we reached a two way junction 
and we had to go different ways, as i looked her colorful wings
, deep down somewhere I longed to keep her with me,
 but she so fragile, I am afraid if i touch her then i might crush her wings,
 so i stayed back and watched her flying away from me,
 For loving is not owning but to let her leave - and to fly

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

The last Day

There is a poem to this day
A verse , that been read many times
the colons and dots, commas and that marks
all been there where i have always known
But these words feel new everytime
even though the tune is the same
And the meaning is unknown , But
These words are what i am here to read
And soon when the words are no longer new
the song will end and the poem is done

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...