Sunday, 11 June 2017

the jungle

I sowed and walked, not knowing what
and unaware of the time i kept walking
till one day when time has come to return
i looked back to see that I sowed have grown
into trees shrubs and vines
concealing my path inside a jungle
that so ignorantly i have made
and lost forever without a trail
so i tell my fellow travelers
those who walk sowing
you can be ignorant of your destination
but not about what you sow
For it might become a jungle
that engulf you forever

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Does it worth it

i keep looking for you, the faces passing by i know its not you but i might come across you , walking against me with your friends and you will move those hairs that has fallen on your face to the side with your hands, laughing at the jokes your friend might have cracked and then i will watch you flowing along with that crowd far far away, but i wont follow you , but i shall keep looking for you in the opposite direction you have walked and then again and again i will see you walking past me,repeating those sequence like in an infinite loop but why i am not following you, do you wonder why? because one day you might realise my face, and you might ask yourself why you are seeing my face repeatedly over time, you will gaze into my eyes with curiosity, your eyes will ask me , who are you? then i shall come after you taking all those steps that you had taken imprinting my foot print on yours , you might look back at me each and every second out of curiosity and when the curiosity dies you will stop looking back at me, for you know even if you dont see me following. i will follow you to the end of this road, at the end when you look back , you are surprised to see many behind you ,only then you realise you havent looked back for long that you have forgotten my face, and when you try remembering my face, the people will walk past you looking at you and you will see me in them but wont realise thats me, i will keep walking hoping that i might hear a hello from the back , and when i am far , too far to hear that hello, i will forbid myself to look back, because i learned that it doesnt worth it.....

Friday, 2 June 2017

we are comrades

even if the enemy is imaginary the fight is real
For we are in a war zone
Nobody remembers those who succumbed
who fell or quit before the fight
but the martyrs and the triumphers
who live immortal in their minds
fear not when you see your comrades fall
not when blood drips as tears from their eyes
They had fell not for you to stop
or mourn in their departure
but they leave the burden on your shoulders
as you take the road to eternity
they live in you to see the prideful crowd
For they are the martyrs who made you triumph

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...