Thursday, 27 July 2017

So Estranged

the retribution for the sins
I walked through the hells corridor
the hot metallic floor where 
the bones melt like candles
I felt no pain, lonely as i walked
No physical torment shall be felt
when ever heart is sore
Is that a blessing 
I think rather not
for Your heart sinks and tears drop
If only I could feel whats outside
to forget whats inside
I feel numb and cold
as I burned in the hell's flame
I wonder is this what I will feel
for the rest of my life
So estranged.............

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Present is my home address

I stood there in the broken path
dazed and confused
i dont know the way to my home
nor where do I live
Some said i lived in the past
and others thought i lived in future
but I am dazed and confused
I should tell everyone that i live at the present
but how i could prove them
For the worries have misted my path
and home is far
yet in between future and past

A bus ride

What do i have in this journey
inside the bus looking outside
I am going to my destination with a crowd\
yet i am alone
Not the person on my right
nor on the back knows who I am
But i dont complain
I am as stranger to him as he is to me
He is going as fast as I am , in the same route
to the same place, but we are not alike
but we both want to survive
our silence doesnt make us hate each other
nor our unwillingness to smile
but i ask , why we dont care
about the person who is sitting so close to us?
I can smell his day's work
yet i dont care nor does he
life is becoming so void of emotions
like this bus ride
I dont care any more or less but i am surviving this journey
till the destination is here

Sunday, 9 July 2017

waiting for the rain to end

i waited in the shades for
the rain to drop one by one
watching the colors of the bow
dripping with the drops
slowly fading from the sky

days are black and white
colorless , as a soulless man
grumpy and old
yet i have to love it as my own
For you are its creation

 how long do i need to stay inside
waiting for this rain to end
and in the end regret is that we all have
and i am confused to wait or not
For Am I in the right place
Where did my old umbrella go?
why is its clothes so fade
but once in the rain
it doesnt matter
for nobody cares its colors
but you have it or not

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...