Sunday, 11 January 2015

what is love?

Its very difficult to understand the very nature of love . How it evolves through time, how it adapts to the surroundings , how it fade away, like a sunset, but i don't think its that colorful as sunset during its dusk, first grey then complete black, so dark that even if you look into your hands they are invisible.
    Its beyond any doubt that our first love is our mother , the very essence of love that we learned lying close to her warm bosom is our first lesson of love. She loved us not hoping that we will love her in return , we will look after her during her returns to the childhood. Her love was unconditional. Even if we had a great first lesson how well have we adapted our love over time, how we learned to forget things , how our true love changed into conditional love
   I see a mother in her senility left alone by her daughters, I can imagine that single mother of three looking after her kids in the absence of her husband ,who went after another woman of better beauty and wealth. I can see that mother who has been disappointed both by her husband and kids. I see her son persuading her to return to her home so that his wife may not be alone looking after his kids, I wonder how his love has evolved, how his tone have changed over time,  Her memory is starting to  fade away, she is returning to her child hood. probably he wants to believe its just a drama played by her, so that he can exploit the last drop of love from her for his kids.

What is love? Its a drama played over and over again, so that it seems no longer like acting but still its a drama well written and acted.

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