Saturday, 28 February 2015

Suicides in Kerala

Have you ever wondered why in kerala , even after those monumental literacy rate the suicide rate is on the higher side. In the northern states people opt suicide only when their livelihood is deprived , only when there is no means to feed their family. But even towards the last moment, if they feel there is a chance that they could feed their family if they could migrate to the southern states where there is high need for unskilled labourers, then they would probably opt that rather than suicide.
    But its a different story when it comes to kerala, here the youngsters commit suicide because of the psychological impact that the society has on the individuals. The society in kerala always has a way with the budding individuals.From their childhood onwards every kid grows with in a scale of comparison, either with the neighbour , class mate or even with their brother or sister. They grow up with a false urge to be on top of everything, or they fear that they will be branded as useless. Now the beginning is from their class, from the progress reports, later when they grow up it just spreads to everything they come upon. There will always be a fear inside them that people are scrutinizing them . Recently when a college student commited suicide because his parents wont buy him the brand new i-phone, people may think it to be so childish from this youngster but the truth is that the trauma he faced from his childhood , the need to look good before everyone else, and the peer group pressure to be recognized by everyone else have actually killed him. What if he grew up in an ideal society where there is no comparison, or what if he grew in a society where every one minded their own business, then the story of this youngster would be a different one, but today if he has committed suicide in kerala then its not a felo-de-se but this is a homicide committed by the society
          Here people commit suicide not because they dont have enough opportunity to survive, but when they feel they haven't grown up to the expectation of the society

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