Friday, 27 January 2017


I remember going to sleep on a cold December night into my cozy bed ,i remember being happy, was it a dream or rather, was i awake? i cant distinguish between the reality and dream, because it doesnt matter today. For when i was awake i found myself tightly strapped to a chair , there was something pushed deep into my throat and my mouth was tightly gagged. I couldnt comprehend what happened during that short span, between the moment i closed my eyes and i opened it , my life was transformed.
I sat there in that dark room for hours, i wanted to cry out loud for help, but my voice died some where inside me, i asked myself what i did wrong , where it all went wrong? May be sometimes doing the right thing must be the new breed of wrong. After many hours of anxiety , fear and helplessness, i saw the door opening a little, the light from outside was getting into my room , it wasnt opened wide but it was open a little , little enough for the light to crawl into my eyes, and with light a new hope was born inside me, yes some one is coming for me, but then it closed, and again i was pushed deep into the darkness , that voidness
Days went by and the person on the other side came regularly letting the faint light to fall into me and then disappearing just like that.
All those days it wasnt the gagging , the tight rope , or the darkness that tormented me,but it was that 2 minutes , that hope budded inside me with each light ray hitting on me, and then crushing it when the door closed for that day. it hurt me the most.
Even today when the door opened , i knew it wasn’t going to be opened for ever …..
but i hoped …. And hope was the greatest punishment they had for me..

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