Friday, 24 February 2017

Cancer in Kerala and the greatest Irony

"Life is the greatest irony. "

I happened to read an article recently in the newspaper stating how badly the air is polluted by the chemicals thats been excreted by the industries. The life seems to get a halt when the air water and the land that we live get unsuitable for day to day life. I dont need to worry about the air in kerala, thanks to the political parties for their constant labour strikes that hinder the industrialist to give a shot here , but i need to be worried about the food i take. Most of the food that we consume here is rich in minerals metals and toxins .
Why we are deprived of the right to live?
The number of cancer cases that has been reported in recent past has raised to a new level, a level that seem to be impossible for the other states like karnataka and tamil nadu can ever imagine to surpass. Why its getting difficult or them to challenge these numbers set by my state. The reason is the green vegetables, oh sorry let me para phrase it again, the toxic vegitables . They are being exported regularly to kerala and it get so difficult for them to retain it back, for the good neighbours, i mean the vegetable sellers of kerala, are so concerned about the health of the the people of karnataka and Tamil nadu that they wont allow any of the waste to remain there. they just buy it all and sell in my state.
What do they achieve?
They buy cancer and sell it here, we dont have any choice but to buy it for high money. Why are these shop owners so greedy, you cant just question their good intentions.Can we? They are earning to save it for the time when problems hit their family, like medical bills. One need to be sure one is prepared to meet the medical expenses, They need to give the best treatment when their kids fall ill. And ofcourse their children will fall ill(God forbid). And they will get what their father is selling. what are these shop owners thinking when they sell the fruits and vegetables to the poor people of Kerala, that they could insulate their family from these waste and toxins, to make an invisible cloak around them that may repell all these. How stupid!!. Their kids too will go to the milk shake corner, the hotel around the street and they too will consume what shouldnt be consumed and will  fall ill. Then these greedy bastards can pay for their treatment with the money they got by selling the illness to their loved ones
And That is the greatest Irony!!

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