Tuesday, 30 May 2017

the hero in the sky

Where are these clouds running away
but I see one still
letting all pass by him
as if he is waiting here for someone

The wind is heavy, yet how come
He takes his place so still
and raining heavily on a chill drawn day
and yet all the other children's of sky running away

What might he be feeling now to watch all his brothers moving away from him, and he cant move a finger, to freeze in this cold night and then rain and rain and then disappear like he never existed more i thought about him ,i started to feel the coldness of the wind , Its not rain that been falling from him it must be his tears, its not thunder thats been banging it must be his gasps, i went towards him the closer i got it felt that he is int sad, i saw his smile flashing with the thunder which i thought was his sobs , but rather it was his laughters. I looked at him and asked, arent you sad that your brothers are leaving, and you are here alone in this chilly wind. He looked at me and replied
If you start running when the wind becomes heavy, then there wont be a time you stop running, the wind is always heavy and they chose to leave and i chose to stay, and this rain is not my tears as you might imagine, but its my sweat , my perspiration to keep me here. I may die this night , but before i go you will see the colorful crown over my head, The  rain or this rainbow are as good as nothing to me, but for the people down there , for the children down there it means something, once you have the ability to see beyond yourself, you will realise that what ever you are where ever you are, there is still a lot you can do for others, and those who could help others even in their peril, they are called heroes , and i want to die here in this night as a hero, not as a coward who ran away when the wind got heavy ,
when i walked back i asked myself what am I?

Saturday, 27 May 2017

A stranger

you dont have to cry anymore little one,
  i find you, you are not alone,
 I know home, far away where these tracks meet
, i shall walk you there,
  dont you see it far and far,
where the sun sets these tracks meet
Mother is waiting for you to come with teary eyes
And papa might be in his seats
looking away into the sky, thinking about your return,
 So lets walk with that weary slippers of yours
 as worn as your mind, ready to break any time now,
you dont have to hide them nor your tears
for i am not here to judge but to take you home
are you afraid of this stranger
who walks  you through this lonely track lying close
in search of their meeting place
where he claims the home is?

Tuesday, 23 May 2017


One day if its time to sleep
I will happily choose your bosom
For the sun chooses the sea
But not the river to set
And to me you are that vast and deep
Ocean , that lashes outside
but calm and warm
with the undercurrents
crying inside only for me to see
and as i sink deep into your heart
i am not afraid of the tides
For you are the mother ,
you are the woman
swelling with love and care'
And i know i am safe in your depths

Friday, 19 May 2017

My Final Act

For every artist its not the money or the fame but its the applaud , its the cheers that keeps him going on the stage, yes i am on the stage, the light is so intense, i cant see anything on the other side, but I can hear the audience chattering and cheering for my act. its the charge that keeps me alive even when my batteries are down and i havent stopped it since i entered into this stage, i am addicted to it, I dont know whether there have been any other mono act that drew this much crowd, but how much crowd is out there? my curiosity always tried to peep out of this light , but never managed to catch a glimpse of whats out there, So i kept going and going even when my legs hurt, i didn't stop, but i was getting tired day by day, i really felt if some one noticed, someone brought me a glass of water, some one told me its ok to step down, but nobody came and after sometimes, i stopped hearing the cheers, it was there ofcourse but i couldnt understood the way i understood it before, does it worth it, i slowly sat on the stage , i expected the crowd to go mad at me for stopping, but again i heard them cheering, i was confused . Perplexed I was when i got down the stage, and there i saw none but a recorder that been playing the cheers again and again. For all these years what i did for these people or those  who i thought that existed, it didnt mattered, my act went in vain, my tears on the stage , my laughter, my anger, it all have dissolved in the air, but not in anybodies mind.  I walked through the empty corridor hoping that someone will come opposite to me with a smile on his face recognizing it was me who played the act, but i know deep down somewhere i have been fooled and that knowledge is a painful one, but it hurts, even more, realizing that i didn't  know why they fooled me ..........

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


I was out for a stroll, there was nobody on the way and it seemed odd to be alone in an otherwise busy street. Where did everybody go? I kept wondering how the world became a lonely park, with no kids to play in the merry go round or the slides or the swings, but just me . I can play in each and every ride as long as i wish for nobody is waiting for their turn , but what's the fun in that. whats the fun in not fighting for your place in the ride, whats the fun in not pushing the person in front of you or not been pushed around, and whats the fun in not getting back at them to take revenge. The world seems so still , 
I thought i was alone, but i wasn't,I was terrified when i saw this Ferocious Dog that was staring at me in the corner, blood was dripping from his mouth and his eyes were red, its black fur just added its feral look. O god he might have eaten all the other people, i couldnt think of anything other than running. But he was following me in each and every steps, slowly but never out of sight, his tongue was outside and blood dripping and its muscles jumped in air as he kept pursuing after me, i ran for hours i watched sun going down and coming back, the rain was cold, but not as cold as the winter snow, the dog dont seems to end his pursuit, Am i been hunted? Of all the people that god could have chosen for me to accompany he found this filthy animal. I was wearing down as the day went by, but the dog  looked fit as a fiddle , 
Why am I running ? there is nobody waiting. there is nothing here. And after years and years of  running i finally stopped, Yes you filthy son a of a dog, the messenger of  death i shall give up myself to you , eat me and end your hunger, i fell into my knees waiting for him, and then he came close and close, and as close he came he looked small and small, and then when he fell into my lap, he looked like a puppy. O god for all these years he was my guardian angel looking after me. I have sinned , you are the one who can judge , but i judged this creature with its looks, i abhorred him, yet he loved .
        In  one of that moment while i was repenting he leaped from my lap, and started running, and i saw his head looking back at me with fear, and then kept on running and as of now i know i am his guardian running behind him not so close but not so far. this might be the punishment god has for me for my transgressions, to hate and to love but never too close or together, but alone

Saturday, 13 May 2017

leaping towards freedom

I was traded on a slave market
hands in chain leg shackled
yes my freedom is far from reach
yet i shall leap for it even in this chain
but those who think masters
they can try hold me back
unleashing their lashes of criticism
falling on my back
ripping the flesh off with each blow
you can take my blood and pain
but not my will or freedom
because i shall leap
even when your blood hounds
Gnaw on my bones
And i shall reach where i am meant to be
For our freedom is in our will
but not in these chains ............

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Daisies on the funeral

I was trekking through the mountains, the sky was clear and the birds were calmly flying back to their nests, but I was far from my home, and I couldn't realize the weather changing just like that in front of my eyes and in a negligent time I watched my heart falling down from my chest to the slopes, I watched it getting crushed in the fall and I could barely see it because of pain , I didn't know what to do, but I ran behind it as it rolled down while cutting every inch of it by the sharp edges of the rocks waiting for it, It felt like swallowing an apple as a whole , this wasn't an apple of sin that Adam and eve ate, but this was an apple of pain. My throat could feel it as it moved to the chest while tears rolled down from my eyes,

I watched my heart running into a thorny bush, and they didn't go easy on it, as the thousands of thorns pierceded deep into the already wounded one i slowly stop feeling it, for there wasn't an inch that been already hurt, and anymore seems to be none, and i was running behind my rolling Heart and  i did lost my tears too, all was going from me one by one and i was in a lonely numbness of being,
I could just stop running and shout out loud to the world asking why me, but i am far ahead of that point to expect an answer from the universe, the universe never answers it has always acted dumb in this drama, so convincingly acted that now i doubt, is it really dumb or dumb only in this script it has written for me, I shall die here running behind my heart, then i shall attend my own funeral with a bunch of daisy in a black Armani suit, i shall lay it on myself,For i knew that there ain't anybody in this world except me who knew that  I loved daisies.....

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


To laugh and to kill
to smile and to think malice
'there is enough perfidy
to win a war
 but are we at war?
what is that we ought to win
Love and peace?
but to sow hatred and conflict
as to reap peace and love
the absurdity of life never ends.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


we march left right left
unto what all we know
yet taking all that we can
left right left
steadily into the cliff
as if like a Que of ants
following the trail
the first one left for us
and at the top
there are no more trails to follow
but to choose jump or not
And yet there, so reluctant
or afraid to pick for us
For we hope some might
Choose what's good for us
But isn't it funny that
all preferred to jump
And yet you want them to pick?

Monday, 8 May 2017


which is better? Dusk or Dawn.
Not night or the day
but I reckon twilight
the obscure vague shades of dark and light
and one is concealed inside the other
As if inside the crowd
your throat throbs to give
those deep exhales
and the weight is gaining inside your chest
For you are afraid to be judged
So you  keep a made up smile
but you know the rain clouds will fill your face
And the night is on the verge
So i reckon thats our twilight
In that mist you could be you
while being someone else for others
For in that partial light and dark
no body cares whats your dark eyes give out
But that fake light smile on your face

Saturday, 6 May 2017

the slaughter house

when i lie upside down in this slaughterhouse, does the butcher knows i am alive?  my skin has been peeled off, i can see the pink white and red paints he painted on my body, i started to appreciate the art in the pain he painted on me. No physical pain can confront me , i transcends beyond this body, for the mental pain i have already through suffering the anguish and agony of watching my own going through these art has already made me this, i am just a body now , with no pains with no emotions,the world can think to hurt me, but dare not for they will soon be like this butcher waiting to peel off my flesh till my bones are found, nd yet failing to fill my eyes, while i watch with my wide opened eyes, enjoying each and every strike deep into my body, nd i will feed them , my flesh shall slake their hunger, and my blood shall allay their thirst, but i shall have my final laugh, because i have traded my life for theirs and their life is my pittance..

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

the mind forest

As i tread into those thickets
I wasn't aware for what
For the entry into those
Vast wilderness of loneliness is
But free of tickets
And i was lost in no time
i watched the bush transforming into woods
and life seems to end here in this darkness
i wasnt afraid of death
but i was afraid, if any shall notice my absence
And here caught nowhere to go
there wasnt much i could do otherwise
than waiting for the imminent end
I could laugh at the irony of finding
my end in a place with no ends
but this is not that day i smile outside
when i cry inside....................

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...