Friday, 19 May 2017

My Final Act

For every artist its not the money or the fame but its the applaud , its the cheers that keeps him going on the stage, yes i am on the stage, the light is so intense, i cant see anything on the other side, but I can hear the audience chattering and cheering for my act. its the charge that keeps me alive even when my batteries are down and i havent stopped it since i entered into this stage, i am addicted to it, I dont know whether there have been any other mono act that drew this much crowd, but how much crowd is out there? my curiosity always tried to peep out of this light , but never managed to catch a glimpse of whats out there, So i kept going and going even when my legs hurt, i didn't stop, but i was getting tired day by day, i really felt if some one noticed, someone brought me a glass of water, some one told me its ok to step down, but nobody came and after sometimes, i stopped hearing the cheers, it was there ofcourse but i couldnt understood the way i understood it before, does it worth it, i slowly sat on the stage , i expected the crowd to go mad at me for stopping, but again i heard them cheering, i was confused . Perplexed I was when i got down the stage, and there i saw none but a recorder that been playing the cheers again and again. For all these years what i did for these people or those  who i thought that existed, it didnt mattered, my act went in vain, my tears on the stage , my laughter, my anger, it all have dissolved in the air, but not in anybodies mind.  I walked through the empty corridor hoping that someone will come opposite to me with a smile on his face recognizing it was me who played the act, but i know deep down somewhere i have been fooled and that knowledge is a painful one, but it hurts, even more, realizing that i didn't  know why they fooled me ..........

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