Saturday, 31 October 2015

Come and wave

Caught in a strong wind,  a leaf has fallen
A big tree, countless millions of green leaves
who would care a lonely grey leaf
As he float in the mid way air, he looked back
To the love he had , the first kiss
the eyes that made him gasp for air
But there is none to wave him in his final journey
So you may say he cried in his last minutes
No, he smiled just before the ground hit him in his face
If your love is unconditional, it doesnt matter
there is some one on the other side waving at you
Smiling at you, but you will wave and smile towards
Even if the space is empty, For true love will lingers for ever
waiting for her to come and wave.,.............

Monday, 26 October 2015

lost mind

Oh lost mind come back, turn around
And look into these insane eyes
that doesnt know where to look
Or what they sees are not what they seems
Soon the sun will set,but it was dark way before that
oh my poor mind. give me one reason
To wake up tomorrow, to stand up
And to see the world one more time

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


If earth was your eyes, i saw an ocean of blue
And as the eye lids closed, it was tides in my heart
 i Could see a world inside your deep blue eyes
a place so unknown , but i know i have peace in there
In that Calm serene and wondrous world

I dont remember the last time i played hide and seek , but  i need to  play it now. The moment you play it , you hide ,you know some one out there is looking for you. that feeling of being wanted  is something you can never buy. To know that some one else in this world is thinking exactly the way you are thinking, exactly the way you are feeling, that knowledge is what i seek. And that is an eternal journey towards enlightenment

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

loved and to love

I wonder about the point that we are trying to prove here in this world. I am caught in between or tangled in between the meaninglessness of this rat race we have . I dont really remember when i started it but its so  long that it doesnt matter when i started to run. but i am tired now. I hope there is a calm place some where , a bench lying in between two trees would be perfect , sitting on top  of a hill with the view of the town ,but far away from this madness, I would really love to sit there for a while looking into this circus wondering why the people do what they do? I am not looking for answers because there is no perfect answer but just customized one, suiting the perception of each individual. Some say life is this you have to be in front , way on top , ordinary is not ok, mediocre is failure, procrastination is quitting, Some say its all about money. the flashy dress you wear, the new brand watch , the restaurant you go. the sporty car you ride
  But my question is what about the person really inside all this , what about you? Are we really happy. I dont care if i wear a brand new rolex watch or an old titan watch as long as both are showing the time. And it says my time is limited here and i am dying. what ever i have it will be taken from me , may not be now but surely some times later. All i care now when i sit here at the top of this hill on this wooden bench on a sun set , when the sun is sinking into the bosom of my town is to find my hand resting on someone else's tender and soft palm. holding it tight to feel the real life around me," the life in her". And to feel her breath on my ears along with the mild cold evening wind. To hear her whisper that, its time to go back home. All i care in this world is to be loved and to love. Everything else is just insignificant

Monday, 19 October 2015

a beautiful girl

i know about a beautiful girl , who wandered around
in search of an elixir ,that could grand her immortality
i am afraid my words could never express her beauty
and there is no way i could let you know it
but believe in me when i say she was gorgeous.

I wonder why she wasn't happy, may be she knew
No beauty in this world was forever
what good can life be to you,. If you can't-
Appreciate it for a second.

She walked through the distant lands
no rock ,nor sun could hamper her journey
For she was determined to find a way
And the elixir of life was the only solution she had

Some told her it was a myth ,but she didnt believe
she walked and walked from dusk to dawn and to night
and turned days to months and months to years
suddenly one day she found a pond full of the magic drink
that could grant her immortality
but when she approached the pond
she was shocked to see an old woman inside the pond
She only knew then she wasn't the woman, who started that journey
For her beauty was gone and all that left was
wrinkles and grey hairs
She never wanted an immortal life of an old woman
and she never had the life of a beautiful woman either

Saturday, 17 October 2015

രാത്രി തൻ മകൾ

ഏതോ പകലിൻറെ വിറയാർന കൈകളിൽ
എരിയുന്ന സുര്യന്റെ ബാല്യമുണ്ട്
അറിയാതെ അവൻ നിന്നെ തേടുന്ന വേളയിൽ
വേനല പക്ഷി തൻ പാട്ടുമുണ്ട്‌

യൗവനവും നിന്നെ തേടി കരിഞ്ഞു പോയി ,
ഏതോ നിഴലിന്റെ മറയിൽ നിയും ഒളിച്ചുനിന്നു
സുര്യനറിയുമോ ,അവന്റെ മരണത്തിനായി
കാത്തു നിൽകുന്ന ഇരുളാനവൾ
ഇനിയും കാണാത്തോരാ രാത്രി തൻ മകൾ

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

feather that floats

it hurts to look for long into that bright lamp
. its not like looking into the candle on a dark day
, its not that gentle, its very intense.
but i dare to look into you. i want to see
 whats that burning inside you so hot.
 i want to know your pain, and thats why i laid back
 into my bed and looked deep into you
 into the very heart of your world.
And as time went by my vision started to blur
, not because of the light ,but due to the tears
. i embraced it, i felt the warm stream that flowed
through the side of my head,
like a glacier of hot spring and then it ended in my ears
. it was like sinking into an ocean,
suddenly there is no burden in your heart.
Its just weightlessness ,and for a moment
you are that feather that floats in the air


ആ റെയിൽവേ സ്റ്റേഷനിൽ വിദൂരതയിലേകു കണ്ണും നാട്ടു ഇരിക്കുമ്പോൾ ഒരുവട്ടം കൂടി അവളെ കാണണം എന്ന് ഞാൻ ഓർത്തു. . ആ ,പാതി അടഞ്ഞ കണ്ണുകളും , ആ തിളങ്ങുന്ന നക്ഷത്ര പൊട്ടും ഒരു തവണ കൂടി കാണണം , ഒരേ ഒരു തവണ കൂടി . പല വഴികളിൽ ഒഴുകുന്ന പുഴകൾ പോലെ നീണ്ടു നിവര്ന്നു കിടക്കുകയാണ് ആ ട്രാക്കുകൾ. വെള്ളം  പോലെ നമ്മൾ ഒഴുകും പല വഴികളായി , പിന്നെ ഏതോ ഒരു പാലത്തിനടിയിൽ വീണ്ടും കണ്ടു മുട്ടും , അപ്പോൾ പറയാൻ ഒരായിരമുണ്ട് എങ്കിലും ,മൗനം. ആത്മാവിനെ കുത്തി നോവിക്കുന്ന മൗനം മാത്രം എനിക്ക് നല്കാൻ നീ കാത്തുവച്ചിരിക്കും. പിന്നെ വീണ്ടും പല വഴികളിൽ നാം ഒഴുകും 
ട്രെയിനിന്റെ ചൂളം വിളി കേടിട്ടാണ് ഞാൻ ആ സ്വപ്നത്തിൽ നിന്നുനർനതു. ഒരുതിരമല പോലെ എന്നെ വിഴുങ്ങാൻ വന്നിരിക്കുകായണ വണ്ടി . ഇന്നലകളെ ഞാൻ ഇവിടെ ഉപേക്ശ്ചിച്ചു  യാത്രയാവുകയാണ്. "ഇല്ല അവൾ വരില്ല ", മനസ്സെത്ര മന്ത്രിച്ചെങ്ങിലും കണ്ണുകൾ അവൾക്കു വേണ്ടി ദാഹിച്ചു . പതിയെ പതിയെ എന്റെ മുൻപിൽ നിന്ന് ആ പ്ലട്ഫോരം പിറഗിലെക് ഓടിയകലാൻ തുടങ്ങി . അതെ അത് വെറും ഇന്നലകൽ മാത്രമാണ് ഇനി അവയിലേക് ഒരു തിരിച്ചു പോക്കില്ല .

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


ആ വരണ്ട കാറ്റിന്റെ ഓർമ
എത്ര നേരം നിനക്കായി കാത്തിരിക്കും
പിന്നെ മനസ്സിന്റെ ഏതോ ഇരുണ്ട കോണിൽ
ഓർമയായി  പിന്നെ ഓർമയുടെ ഓർമയായി പോയൊളികും
അടുത്ത കാറ്റിന്റെ പരിലാളനത്തിൽ
ഇനി നീയില്ല നിന്റെ ഓർമകളില്ല
വെറും നിഴലുകൾ മാത്രം  
ഏതോ പകലിന്റെ ഭിക്ഷ 
പിന്നെ  മായുന്ന സന്ധ്യയിൽ  
 ഇരുളിന്റെ മാറിൽ,
പതിയെ നിഴലും പോയൊളിക്കും
അതൊരു സ്വപ്ന മയിരുന്നോ 
അതോ ഓർമയുടെ ഒരു ചെറു മഴതുല്ലിയോ 
അറിയാതെ ,ഓർത്തെടുക്കാൻ കഴിയാതെ
നിയും നിന്റെ ഓർമയും പെയ്തൊഴിയും 

hide and seek in time

 Lets play hide and seek in time And jump to the child once we were Come and catch me— But don’t take me anywhere, Leave me in it. I don’t s...