Saturday 12 August 2017

Love and Religion

Do I qualify to talk about love , this, my journey is in search of that answer. Whatever you are going to read may sound unreal sometimes, so is love, it can be beyond the reality that we can perceive but once you open your heart and see beyond my words, you will realize that it is real, it has flesh , it has blood, pain happiness and it is as real as you and me
It was on a heavy rain that i walked with her, I couldn't see the road nor the trees on my left or the river on my right, not because of the heavy rain , but i couldn't take my eyes off her beautiful face.Even in that cold damp day , i could feel heat running into my nerves flowing from her body to mine . It was not love i had for her , it I called divine.
But precious is not meant to stay with us forever, as i watched on that day she slipped into the river and disappeared in front of my eyes. What can I do in that moment. There isn’t much we can do sometimes in life, but rather be a spectator and the world will do the performance , you can just sit down on the chairs and watch it, and cry or laugh depending on what the world will play for you, whatever you do at that moment it doesn't matter , your script is written and you cant change it. You may take different road but all leads to the same place and that day I was just a spectator when the Idol I worshiped and loved slipped into river and washed away in front of my eyes. But I couldn't let things just slip away , I am not that person, I know its all written somewhere but till my last breath i shall try to write my own in it. So When i gained consciousness I ran behind her, I ran and ran , she was nowhere to be seen but love will not let me to stop not till she says so, but she wants me to run for her and I did, days turned into nights, rivers turned into seas, rocks into mountains, and plants to trees but my love didn't turned into anything , just plain but love.
if you are a seeker and your heart is pure , then love will never deceit you but will lead to the truth, and my truth was her, and i reached at the banks of a river where I found devotees who was worshiping the goddess whom once was mine, and was rightfully mine. How can I claim back the idol of my temple, i decided to do a crime as i thought to rob my idol from their temple, but how can it be crime if i take something which belongs to me, the world did something unlawful and i only decided to undo it, but will everyone see it that way, Religion can make people blind frantic and Fanatic and my religion was love , and what was theirs?
I was caught on the broad day light trying to steal their goddess , the mob has their own justice, the transgressions on religion they call the heinous of crimes and i was stripped naked in front of her and was whipped with lashes that innumerable, you want to cry but will you cry in front of your love? I wont , It wasn't the lashes that hurt me, but it was the silence of those in powers , doesn't the goddess they devote have the power to stop them, It was godlessness they did and she kept waiting and waiting to raise the sound, but who would hear those voice, its a stone that they are praying to, and stones wont talk, Not even if its their God
As i waited for the inevitable lying naked ,tied to a tree i realized ,the pursuit of love is happiness, but as the journey ends some wounds wont heal and new might always evolve, and yet those wounds will make you feel you are alive

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